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Wayside Technology
Wayside Technology
Wayside Technology
Wayside Technology
Wayside Technology
Wayside Technology


Using specialist Wayside system technicians and Signalling electricians, SJM Rail Signalling can provide a holistic approach to Network operators Rail Systems environments, providing a one stop shop approach to the maintenance of signalling and wayside assets which adds value and reduces cost for Rail Operators.

By providing experienced and dedicated staff, SJM Rail Signalling can undertake scheduled routine maintenance on common Wayside Systems including, Hot Bearing Detection, Hot Wheel Detection, Wheel Impact Load Detection, RFID readers, Acoustic Bearing Monitors and Dragging Equipment Detector Systems amongst others working from in-house specific process and instruction.


Services include removal and re-installation of these systems during track reconditioning and re-railing; our team also has experience working embedded in rail operators to assist with maintenance during operations or design tasks during bid and commissioning phases.

The SJM Rail Signalling team has substantial experience with Wayside suppliers back-end applications and databases as well as most commercially available ICT systems; services include infrastructure support, site installation and commissioning as well project management.


SJM Rail provides turn-key solutions for both fixed Infrastructure Asset Monitoring, and Rail Condition Monitoring from a number of Global Leaders from Europe and Asia in these fields, through exclusive OEM re-sale agreements rail operators assets such as railway turnouts, level crossings, signals or track circuits can be monitored for specific conditions to improve reliability and provide tangible reductions in cost factors of operating a railway.


By applying these solutions, Operators can avoid unnecessary work and recognise in time looming failures and avoid these impacts to critical assets.

SJM Rail has full access to the broad range of condition monitoring technologies to assist Rail Operators in increasing system safety and reliability whilst also collecting valuable data on fixed infrastructure and rolling stock to improve asset performance.

These systems can be fully integrated or standalone which can to reduce the total cost of system ownership.

SJM Rail is pleased to offer turn key solutions for the following Systems:

  • Hot Bearing Detector and Hot Wheel Detector

  • Dragging Equipment Detector 

  • Radio Frequency Identification Reader

  • Bearing Acoustic Detection

  • Flat Wheel and In motion Weighbridge

  • Points Condition Monitoring

  • Track Circuit Monitoring

  • Level Crossing Monitoring

  • Signal Power Monitoring

Our collaborative approach ensures we build trusted partnerships with our Clients.

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